In some cases of stomach cancer, your medical team may talk to you about palliative care.
Learn more about best stomach cancer care: It is up to you as to how involved you want to be in making decisions about your treatment. Ask questions and seek as much information as you feel you need. You may find it helpful to talk about your treatment options with your doctors, family and friends. For most it will be a difficult time, however some people manage to continue with their normal daily activities. A diagnosis of a stomach or oesophageal cancer affects each person differently. After a diagnosis of stomach cancerĪfter being diagnosed with a stomach cancer, you may feel shocked, upset, anxious or confused. Less commonly used is an endoscopic ultrasound where the endoscope has an ultrasound probe at the end. If any suspicious-looking areas are detected, a small amount of tissue from the stomach lining may be removed (biopsy) and examined under a microscope. The doctor will use a thin, flexible tube with a camera (endoscope), which passes into the mouth, down the throat and oesophagus into the stomach in order to look at the digestive tract. The main test is an endoscopy (also known as a gastroscopy). If your doctor thinks you may have stomach cancer, you will be referred for further tests.